Monday, October 17, 2011


It's 10pm, October 17,2011.  I have finally decided to open a blog site.  I am simply calling it pattyuy.  I do not know if anyone would be interested to read my stories.  I do not even know if I will find time to write here.  But I will give it a try and maybe it will work.

The real reason I want to start this is for keeping a record of all my travel adventures.  It has been more than 10 years that I have been making photo albums of all important travels, etc... in my life and I have realized that I have accumulated so many albums.  The pictures are slowly fading and I thought it would be best to be in the modern age by posting them on my own site. In this way I can save on printing costs and I can access my so called "album" anywhere, as long as there is an internet connection. Let's hope it will be a success!  Because as you see, I am very low tech!

SUCCESS!  I was able to upload a photo :)

This was taken last 11 October 2011, Tats' and Mom's 41st Wedding Anniversary in Bangkok.  We had dinner at the very beautiful Mandarin Oriental Hotel.  We ate in their Thai Restaurant.  In order to get to the restaurant, we had to take a 5 minute boat ride from one side of the river.  It was a very enjoyable evening.  Tita Tina joined us in Bangkok for 4 nights.  Lots of shopping and walking! :)

Ok, so I think that's a good start.  I think I might have potential.  AKU, what do you think? ;) 

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